A beginner’s guide to database deadlock

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how a deadlock can occur in a relational database system, and how Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or MySQL recover from a deadlock situation.

The best way to fetch multiple entities by id using JPA and Hibernate

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how we can load multiple entities by id at once when using JPA and Hibernate. Loading multiple entities by their identifier is a very common requirement when using JPA and Hibernate. Hence, we are going to see how we can optimize the underlying SQL query execution.

How to map SQL Server JSON columns using JPA and Hibernate

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how easy it is to map an SQL Server JSON column when using the Hypersistence Utils project. The Hypersistence Utils project supports JSON column types for PostgreSQL and MySQL and Oracle, and, as you will see in this article, the JsonType works just fine with Microsoft SQL Server.

JDBC Driver Maven dependency list

Introduction Ever wanted to connect to a relational database using Java and didn’t know which JDBC Driver Maven dependency to use? If so, this article is surely going to help you from now on.