How does aggressive connection release work in Hibernate

Hibernate connection providers Hibernate needs to operate both in Java EE and stand-alone environments, and the database connectivity configuration can be done either declaratively or programmatically. To accommodate JDBC Driver connections as well as RESOURCE_LOCAL and JTA DataSource configurations, Hibernate defines its own connection factory abstraction, represented by the org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider interface.

Professional connection pool sizing with FlexyPool

Introduction I previously wrote about the benefits of connection pooling and why monitoring it is of crucial importance. This post will demonstrate how FlexyPool can assist you in finding the right size for your connection pools. Know your connection pool The first step is to know your connection pool settings. My current application uses XA transactions, therefore we use Bitronix transaction manager, which comes with its own connection pooling solution. Accord to the Bitronix connection pool documentation we need to use the following settings: minPoolSize: the initial connection pool size maxPoolSize: the… Read More

FlexyPool, reactive connection pooling

Introduction When I started working on enterprise projects we were using J2EE and the pooling data source was provided by the application server. Scaling up meant buying more powerful hardware to support the increasing request demand. The vertical scaling meant that for supporting more requests, we would have to increase the connection pool size accordingly. Horizontal scaling Our recent architectures shifted from scaling up to scaling out. So instead of having one big machine hosting all our enterprise services, we now have a distributed service network. This has numerous advantages: Each JVM… Read More