MySQL Query Profiling Using Performance Schema

Introduction In this article, I’m going to explain how to do query profiling using the MySQL Performance Schema. The Performance Schema has been available since MySQL 5.5.3 and allows MySQL to instrument SQL queries and store their trace information in various tables that you can later inspect in order to determine why a given SQL statement is slow. On older versions of MySQL, you might have used the SHOW PROFILE command, but since this feature has been deprecated, you should now use the Performance Schema for SQL query profiling.

SQL Server OPENJSON – Map JSON to a relational table

Introduction In this article, I’m going to explain how the SQL Server OPENJSON function works and how it can help you transform a JSON object into a relational database table. When using a relational database system, it’s a very good idea to design the database schema according to the relational model. However, there are specific situations when the relational model is way too strict, and that’s when a JSON column type might be very handy. For instance, as I explained in this article, when designing an audit log table, it’s much more… Read More

Hash Join Algorithm

Introduction In this article, we are going to see how the Hash Join Algorithm works and when it’s suitable for a relational database system to employ it in order to execute an SQL JOIN query.

High-Performance Java Persistence Newsletter, Issue 23

Introduction Welcome to a new issue of the High-Performance Java Persistence Newsletter in which we share articles, videos, workshops, and StackOverflow answers that are very relevant to any developer who interacts with a database system using Java.