The High-Performance Java Persistence book

A book in the making It’s been a year since I started the quest for a highly-effective Data Knowledge Stack and the Hibernate Master Class contains over fifty articles already. Now that I covered many aspects of database transactions, JDBC and Java Persistence, it’s time to assemble all the pieces together into the High-Performance Java Persistence book.

How to monitor a Java EE DataSource

Introduction FlexyPool is an open-source framework that can monitor a DataSource connection usage. This tool come out of necessity, since we previously lacked support for provisioning connection pools. FlexyPool was initially designed for stand-alone environments and the DataSource proxy configuration was done programmatically. Using Spring bean aliases, we could even substitute an already configured DataSource with the FlexyPool Metrics-aware proxy alternative.

How does Hibernate Query Cache work

Introduction Now that I covered both Entity and Collection caching, it’s time to investigate how Query Caching works. The Query Cache is strictly related to Entities, and it draws an association between a search criterion and the Entities fulfilling that specific query filter. Like other Hibernate features, the Query Cache is not as trivial as one might think.

How does Hibernate TRANSACTIONAL CacheConcurrencyStrategy work

Introduction In my previous post, I introduced the READ_WRITE second-level cache concurrency mechanism. In this article, I am going to continue this topic with the TRANSACTIONAL strategy.