How to translate WordPress blog posts to Leanpub Markdown

Unix tools to the rescue I am a big fan of Unix utilities as they help me out on a daily basis. When the Leanbub WordPress export tool failed me, I knew I had to write my own import script. Without an automatic script, I’d had to spend more than half an hour to fix broken source codes or tables and migrate image references to the book repository folder structure. But the The High-Performance Java Persistence book is using info that’s scattered across over hundreds of blog posts, which would have taken… Read More

How to import CSV data into PostgreSQL

Introduction Many database servers support CSV data transfers and this post will show one way you can import CSV files to PostgreSQL. SQL aggregation rocks! My previous post demonstrated FlexyPool metrics capabilities and all connection related statistics were exported in CSV format. When it comes to aggregation tabular data SQL is at its best. If your database engine supports SQL:2003 windows functions you should definitely make use of this great feature.

JSON pattern matching with sed, perl and regular expressions

Why VIM? Sooner or later there comes the day when your easy-to-use IDE becomes useless for handling huge files. There aren’t many editors capable of working with very large files, like production logs for instance. I’ve recently had to analyze a 100 MB one-line JSON file and once more VIM saved the day. VIM, like many other Unix utilities, is both tough and brilliant. Git interactive rebase uses VIM by default, so it’s worth knowing VIM.