JPA Criteria API Bulk Update and Delete

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JPA Criteria API bulk update delete is a great feature that allows you to build bulk update and delete queries using the JPA 2.1 Criteria API support via CriteriaUpdate and CriteriaDelete.

Because one of our community members asked me on the Hibernate forum about this topic, I decided it is a good opportunity to write about this lesser-known JPA Criteria API feature.

Domain Model

Assuming we have the following entities in our system:

JPA Criteria API Bulk Update and Delete

The PostStatus is a Java Enum which states if a given Post or PostComment should be visible in our application. Because all Post and PostComment entries are being moderated, the initial status is PENDING. If the system decides that a given posting is valid, the status becomes APPROVED and the posting becomes visible. Otherwise, the posting is marked as SPAM.

If you want to reuse properties from across several entities, you can use the @MappedSuperClass annotation.

That’s the reason why both Post and PostComment extend the PostModerate class which looks as follows:

public abstract class PostModerate {

    @Column(columnDefinition = "tinyint")
    private PostStatus status = PostStatus.PENDING;

    @Column(name = "updated_on")
    private Date updatedOn = new Date();

    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

If you want to persist Enum properties, then the most compact column type is the shortest available integer column type.

For more details about the advantages and disadvantages of various Enum-persisting strategies, check out this article.

The Post entity looks as follows:

@Entity(name = "Post")
@Table(name = "post")
public class Post extends PostModerate {

    private Long id;

    private String title;

    private String message;

    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

and the PostComment entity looks like this:

@Entity(name = "PostComment")
@Table(name = "post_comment")
public class PostComment extends PostModerate {

    private Long id;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Post post;

    private String message;

    //Getters and setters omitted for brevity

By default, @ManyToOne and @OneToOne associations use the FetchType.EAGER fetching strategy, which is very bad for performance and can lead to N+1 query issues.

For more details, check out this article.

Testing data

Considering we have added the following entities to our system:

Post _post = doInJPA(entityManager -> {
    Post post = new Post();
    post.setTitle("High-Performance Java Persistence");

    return post;

doInJPA(entityManager -> {
    Post spamPost1 = new Post();
    spamPost1.setTitle("Spam title");

    Post spamPost2 = new Post();
    spamPost2.setMessage("Spam message");

    PostComment spamComment = new PostComment();
    spamComment.setMessage("Spam comment");

Therefore, we have:

  • one Post entity that is APPROVED, but has several PostComment child entities that have a PENDING status
  • another Post entity that has a PENDING status


To build queries dynamically, you should always use a professional query builder like JPA Criteria API or jOOQ.

You should never resort to using String concatenation to build queries dynamically because this bad practice is prone to SQL injection attacks.

For more details, check out this article.

To build SQL UPDATE statements dynamically, JPA offers the CriteriaUpdate class.

To see how CriteriaUpdate works, check out the following example which we will use to flag spam postings:

public <T extends PostModerate> int flagSpam(
        EntityManager entityManager, 
        Class<T> postModerateClass) {
    CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager
    CriteriaUpdate<T> update = builder

    Root<T> root = update.from(postModerateClass);

    Expression<Boolean> filterPredicate = builder

    if(Post.class.isAssignableFrom(postModerateClass)) {
        filterPredicate = builder.or(
            filterPredicate, builder

    .set(root.get("status"), PostStatus.SPAM)
    .set(root.get("updatedOn"), new Date())

    return entityManager

Writing JPA Criteria API queries is not very easy. The Codota IDE plugin can guide you on how to write such queries, therefore increasing your productivity.

For more details about how you can use Codota to speed up the process of writing Criteria API queries, check out this article.

The flagSpam method works as follows:

  • First, we need to obtain a CriteriaBuilder so that we can create our Criteria API dynamic statements.
  • Second, we will create the CriteriaUpdate statement against the supplied postModerateClass which can be any class extending PostModerate.
  • Then, we will create a filtering predicate for the message property which is common to all postings that need to be moderated.
  • Only for the Post entity we also check the title property.

This example shows the true power of a dynamic query builder because the statement can be built so that it varies based on the supplied arguments. Without Criteria API, you’d probably resort to using String concatenation and risk SQL injection attacks.

Now, we can test out flagSpam method as follows:

assertEquals(2, flagSpam(entityManager, Post.class));
assertEquals(1, flagSpam(entityManager, PostComment.class));

And Hibernate will execute the following SQL statements:

    status = 2, 
    updated_on = '2021-01-09 10:50:42.861'
    lower(message) LIKE '%spam%' OR 
    lower(title) LIKE '%spam%'
    status = 2, 
    updated_on = '2021-01-09 10:50:43.07' 
    lower(message) LIKE '%spam%'

Notice how the UPDATE statement varies based on the underlying entity type. That’s why CriteriaUpdate is worth using for dynamic bulk update statements.


Not only that JPA offers a CriteriaUpdate, but it also comes with a CriteriaDelete utility for building dynamic bulk delete statements.

To see how CriteriaDelete works, check out the following example which we will use to delete old spam postings:

public <T extends PostModerate> int deleteSpam(
        EntityManager entityManager, 
        Class<T> postModerateClass) {
    CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager
    CriteriaDelete<T> delete = builder

    Root<T> root = delete.from(postModerateClass);

    int daysValidityThreshold = 
        (Post.class.isAssignableFrom(postModerateClass)) ? 
            7 : 


    return entityManager

This time, we only vary the parameter passed to the filtering predicate. However, you can vary the entire WHERE clause when using the CriteriaDelete utility.

To test how it works, let’s make sure that our spam postings are old enough to be deleted:

    update Post
    set updatedOn = :timestamp
    where status = :status
.setParameter("status", PostStatus.SPAM)

    update PostComment
    set updatedOn = :timestamp
    where status = :status
.setParameter("status", PostStatus.SPAM)

Good, now we can run the deleteSpam method:

assertEquals(2, deleteSpam(entityManager, Post.class));
assertEquals(1, deleteSpam(entityManager, PostComment.class));

and Hibernate is going to execute the following DELETE statements:

    status = 2 AND 
    updated_on <= '2021-01-02 10:50:43.109'
    status = 2 AND 
    updated_on <= '2021-01-06 10:50:43.115'

That’s it! You can easily create dynamic bulk update and delete statements using the Criteria API.

I'm running an online workshop on the 20-21 and 23-24 of November about High-Performance Java Persistence.

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While the CriteriaQuery has been available since JPA 2.0, CriteriaUpdate and CriteriaDelete made it into the JPA specification since JPA 2.1.

For this reason, they are not very well known or acknowledged. This article proves that they are very useful and you should definitely employ them.

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